Sunday, February 26, 2012

Two things I should tell you...

So Max's nappy rash has cleared up!  It was teeth related but there are no new teeth to be seen yet.  He has had quite a week.  He went to the zoo and he drank his own pee.

Let me tell you about the Zoo first.  Max is at the stage that he doesn't really distinguish between the animals and the other people.  He looked at goats, he saw penguins and giraffes.  The humbolt penguins were the only real hit.  They were walking around near to the glass and Max was nose to beak with one of them for a couple of seconds.  He flaps his hands exactly like a penguin, he swims a bit like a penguin but there the similarity ends.  The two looked at each other for those few seconds and turned away with their dignity and interspecies relations intact.  He also looked at Meerkats.  His parents enjoyed this much more than he did.

Now for the pee story.  It was Friday morning and things were going very well.  We were ahead of ourselves.  Max was dressed and just ready to get into his car seat.  His bottles were prepared and packed away with his and hers lunches.  Ciara ran for a bus and I lifted Max up to put him into his suit for the bike.  It was then that I caught a whiff of his full nappy.  I am used to the noxious fumes that emanate from his nappies so I didn't react, I camly took him into the changing table and took off his clothes.  I've got to give you a bit of background - whenever the nappy is taken off, Max grabs his penis.  It's not of any concern, most boys do this for their whole lives.  He reaches down and squeezes for all he's worth.  I keep telling him that it's not a toy and that it won't make a squeaky noise.  But he just keeps on squeezing until the nappy goes back on.

Interestingly when he is sitting on a towel bare bummed to defeat the spectre of nappy rash he doesn't go near mini-Max.  It's only for the quick nappy change.  So Friday morning, the nappy comes off and while I am dealing with the faeces I'm holding his hands.  When he is clean he reaches down and I turn my back to reach for a new nappy.  Nature takes its course and he pees. He pees while he is holding his penis straight up.  The pee goes straight up and miraculously misses his clothes and lands on his mouth and cheeks.  This doesn't phase him one little bit.  In fact he sticks out his tongue and licks up some more.  I am simply horrified.  I clean him up, I put on his clothes and I put him in his car seat.  I am full of horror and concern that he has done himself great damage.  I storm out of the apartment muttering and cursing under my breath.  Not only has Max now got some dreadfully virulent pee borne disease but we are late for the morning cycle.

It is only when we are cycling down the hill that I burst out laughing.  He drank his own pee.  He drank his own pee.  As long as that virulent disease doesn't strike this is going to keep me smiling for weeks.

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